St. Johns County officials launched a new rental assistance program to help low-income renters catch up on past-due rent and utilities.
According to the county, this program is possible thanks to the U.S. Department of Treasury which provided $2,150,000 of emergency rental assistance.
Apart from helping residents cover past-due payments, this program can also help with up to three months of future housing expenses.
There will be only one application allowed per household, and payments will go directly to landlords and utilities.
The county said the funds will be distributed on a “first-come, first-qualified, first-approved” basis.
Eligibility Criteria
Must be a renter living in St. Johns CountyApplicants must have experienced disruption and/or loss during or due to the effects of the pandemicMust earn 80% or less of the area median income (AMI) for their household size
Applicants will get the highest priority if:
The total household income is less than 50% AMIHouseholds with a person unemployed for at least 90 days before the date of the complete applicationCurrently in an eviction proceedingThe household includes members who are under 18 years old or seniors over the age of 60.
To learn more on eligibility criteria and to apply visit
For any other questions or language/accessibility needs please email or call 904-204-8989.
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