Report: Hulk Hogan helped rescue teen following Florida car crash

Pro wrestling legend Hulk Hogan, whose given name is Terry Bollea, helped rescue a 17-year-old girl following a car crash near where he lives in Florida, according to reports.

TMZ is reporting that Hogan and his new wife Sky Daily were driving on the same highway in Clearwater when they witnessed the wreck. According to the report, Hogan and another friend he was driving with helped pull the girl from the car. She was shaken but not seriously injured.

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Going Ringside on TikTok, which focuses on the pro wrestling world, has already reported on this.


Breaking news – reports #hulkhogan helped rescue a teenage girl following a car crash in #florida #wrestlemania #wrestletok #sportsontiktok #goingringside @WWE

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TMZ cited sources that said Hogan and his friend cut the woman’s airbag with tools and helped get her out of her seatbelt.

Hogan has been a fixture in South Florida for decades and has made headlines recently for both getting married and being baptized as a born-again Christian.

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