Why 2023 is likely headed for the global temperature record books

Scientists with NOAA and NASA confirmed Monday morning that July 2023 was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth.

The average global temperature in July was 2.02° above average, making it the warmest July on record.

Because July is the warmest month of the year, it makes last month the warmest on record.

How to measure global temperature

NASA and NOAA use a variety of techniques to measure temperature.

Not only are temperature sensors used, but remote sensing is used.

NASA satellites measure temperatures not just over land but across vast oceans.

These high-resolution measurements are key to concluding a global temperature.

July continues the incredible stretch of just above-normal months, but also record setting months and years.

According to NOAA, the last nine years have been the warmest on record.

Oceans are the driver

One of the key reasons the global temperature has been so warm is the significant warming of the world’s oceans so far in 2023.

Many regions are experiencing marine heatwaves, which are sustained warmer-than-average water temperatures over a vast area of ocean.

These well above average water temps are leading the charge of the global records.

Because the majority of the planet is made of water, water temps are a major component when calculating global temperature.

July was the fourth consecutive month that global temperatures have reached a record high.

A historic 2023

With over half of the year over, it is becoming nearly certain that 2023 will go in the record books.

The first seven months of the year have ranked as the third-warmest on record, with a global temperature of 1.85° above the 20th century average of 56.9°.

According to scientists, it is virtually certain that 2023 will be one of the five warmest years on record, and there is a 50% probability that the year will rank as the warmest ever.

This past month was the warmest month ever recorded, courtesy of some very warm global oceans. It is unlikely we will repeat the historic standard in later months, but a historic 2023 is becoming highly likely.

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