Burnout acknowledged by the World Health Organization

Feeling exhausted at work and over your job? That sensation is called burnout and is it’s as a mental health ‘syndrome’ by the World Health Organization.

Bad days happen to everyone, but if you’re consistently feeling exhausted, cynical, and unmotivated at work you may be dealing with burnout.

“Burnout is our response to workplace conditions. Intolerable workplace conditions, we don’t get paid enough, it’s too hot where we work, we’re working for people who aren’t pleasant. When that takes its toll overtime it can lead to a series of factors,” said Dr. David Chesire with the University of Florida College of Medicine.

The World Health Organization classifies “burn-out” as a syndrome that comes from chronic workplace stress that is not managed well. Dr. David Chesire with the University of Florida College of Medicine says there’s healthy ways to cope.

“A couple of things we want to look at that might be helpful. The very first is we want to find meaning in what we do. No matter what it is that you’re doing see if you can find some joy in that. Try to turn your work into a game. If you’re tightening that screw count every ten screws that you tighten and at every tenth let out a whoopee,” said Chesire.

Doctor Chesire also recommends communicating with your colleagues and employers, especially if something is wrong. He also suggests acknowledging that your occupation serves a purpose. If all else fails it may be time for a permanent change.

“At the end of the day if none of these things are working, you may have to bite the bullet and find a new career. Because really again, burnout is job specific and job condition specific,” said Chesire.

Another option Doctor Chesire suggests is speaking to a therapist. Talking to someone may also help you better manage your emotions.

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