Storm surges, strong winds, lightning and downed powerlines are all things that have taken lives during a storm but once the storm has passed people often perceive that any possible threats have also passed.
Once the storm passes many people are eager to get back to a normal life, but Michael Brennan, director of NOAA’s National Hurricane Center in Miami said it’s important to proceed with caution because cleaning accidents are common and water impacts are getting worse.
“The post-storm safety, we lose twice as many people to post-storm events in this country then we have actually lost in the direct effect of the storms, so we want people to be safe after the storm,” Brennan said.
Common examples of post-storm accidents include:
car accidentsmedical issuesheart attacksheat-related stresscarbon monoxide poisoning from improper generator use
Whether it’s a tropical storm or a hurricane, officials encourage you to make sure, after the storm, you give assessment crews the opportunity to make sure it’s safe to return to your home so that you’re not putting your life in danger after the storm.
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