Tools for parents to track children while they’re out trick-or-treating

Halloween night you’ll see ghouls, goblins — and a few Barbies and Kens — creeping around your neighborhood.

While children are thinking about candy, parents need to keep safety in mind.

Whether trick-or-treating on their own or in a group, parents now have high tech ways to keep track of their children.

In fact, there are apps and smartphone tools that can be used to keep tabs on those trick-or-treaters.

“We usually utilize Find My iPhone, so you can quickly track them while they are out,” said tech expert Rosa Morales. “And then there’s Life 360. We’re a family of mixed devices and you can use it on both Apple and Android phones. And the Next Door app as well.”

It’s also possible to pre-program the routes your kids will take and ways to make sure they don’t stray from the expected path.

“You can sit down with your child and set a route along the way. And you can track them that way. And if they don’t have a phone, you can use a smartwatch or a tag. It’s all based on cellular or Bluetooth,” Morales said.

And we all know the rules about not texting and driving. Texting and walking can be a problem, too. Morales said to make sure your children aren’t staring at their cellphones while out on Halloween night. That could literally trip them up or land them in bigger trouble.

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