Kiki with Katie: A THANKFUL Thanksgiving Surrounded by MY PEOPLE! ❤️🦃


Have you set your scales back yet? 😅 I threw mine in the trash because I’m STILL on my leftovers game #cantstopwontstop! 🍽️

OMG, what a great week it was! I worked (which made it even better because I love my job) and my family had to stay back in North Carolina so since my friend Stef and I were little Orphan Annie’s — we made reso at a Brazillian steak house and it was the best!

We had SO MUCH FOOD, and so many stories to tell. Tbh, red meat is the way to my heart! Any filet, prime rib, lamb I can get my hands on — I will never stop smiling! I eat like a linebacker, and one day I’m assuming a door will have to be greased to get me through it, but that day hasn’t come yet, so bring on the steak!

Perfect weather for a good steak (or pounds and pounds of Thanksgiving food) this past week, wasn’t it!?

After Thanksgiving at the Steak House, Stef and I met my friends Chris and Jay at The River Club for the Boat Show/Fireworks!

That was MAGIC! And so was that dessert table! I think I had like three different cakes, and the fireworks were so cool to watch!

I had no idea they set them off on the bridges and on a barge! Also, WOAH, that boat parade was so festive! Everyone did such a good job decorating! My eyes were beaming the whole night —in awe of what a cool City Jacksonville is and how lucky I am that I got to experience it with my people!

Then comes Kevin!

We had a big day on Sunday! He went to board at Lubas, and play with his besties, Milo & Beans! He LOVES boarding school, and goes about every other day to play!

At this point, I just say “Lubas” and he runs to the door! It was a good day to take him on Sunday because as you know, that rain was a MESS! He ran outside and came in soaked… I said ok, it’s a boarding school day! My floors can’t take this mud!

I look back on this Thanksgiving and think of SO many things I’m thankful for. The world is a crazy place sometimes, but when you really stop and think you remember that life is so beautiful, and God gave me a fabulous Thanksgiving even though I wasn’t able to be with my family!

This year has been one of the most challenging years of my life- but through the trying times and the growing pains, there is still SO👏🏼MUCH to be so thankful for! I’m a lucky girl to be in such a wonderful City with a village I love!

Just for fun, here’s what I’m so thankful for…

Strong faith in Jesus Christ (without that, I would be totally lost), my awesome parents—because no matter how old I get, they are still the greatest problem solvers and two of my best friends, my sister (who I can call any hour of the day to laugh, or ask advice- and to get truly honest answers), my sweet group of close friends, big fluffy Kevin, a really, really good hug, challenges that make you a stronger person- (2023 was filled with those- so let me mention i’m also pumped it’s almost 2024), my electric blanket… (i’m also thankful it hasn’t caught on fire yet), a world that has fall and winter, chardo-nay-nay, Friendsgivings, Google, friends weddings, Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food ice cream, B12 Shots, Lilly Pulitzer shift dresses, truly happy people (their energy brightens a room), colorful wool socks, snow (I think it’s so beautiful), Halloween, my electric scooter, my golf cart, the NonaHood, Jacksonville, colorful fleece, Uber (even though I don’t think they’re thankful for me, last time I checked, my rating was pretty terrible!), spellcheck (but not auto-correct), Christmas Trees, white Christmas lights, really good co-workers, a job I wouldn’t trade for the world, movies I can watch again and again, New York, New York, my Weather Team, my shih-tzu (Izzie), fire pits, that many of my career dreams came true early in life, the perfect Spotify playlist, songs that hit the spot on repeat, old photo albums, smiles, monogrammed stationery, the Kenny G Christmas album, old home videos, viewers who make every day at work fun, my brother (who has taught me a lot about love and life), spontaneous road trips, weekend trips, mini eclairs, coconut pie, date nights, belly laughs, snow days, Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, Freedom, Lifetime and Hallmark Channel Christmas movies, people that wave when you let them in a lane, people that wave in general, Goldfish snacks, friends- near and far- who I love so dearly, etiquette books (I have over 50, and have collected them since I was 12), sweet tea, big earrings, pugs, and if you’re still reading this… I am so very thankful for YOU!

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