You’re standing in a room,when all of the sudden…the ground is shaking…it’s an earthquake…WHAT do you do?

You’re standing in a room,when all of the sudden…the ground is shaking…it’s an earthquake…WHAT do you do?

Well, the answer to that really depends on where you are and what youre up to when the earthquake begins.

Let’s first talk about what you do if an earthquake happens when you’re inside.

4 words: drop, cover, and HOLD ON!

DROP to the ground, this lowers your center of gravity which will keep you safer during a quake.

Next, take COVER. Best to take cover under something planted to the ground, such as a table.

Once youre under the table, cover your head/neck with one of your arms, and hold on to whatever you are under until the shaking comes to a halt.

If whatever you’re taking cover under begins to move, move with it.

NEXT- make an emergency kit.

Much like during a Hurricane or Tornado, an earthquake emergency kit is a crucial thing to have.

You NEVER want to go outside during an earthquake if you can help it- falling debris could pose more of a danger than being inside.

The best advice used to be to take cover in a door frame, but now- the tone has changed. Door frames pose dangers such as doors swinging around, injuring fingers. Also, debris can come from any direction, and a door frame can’t stop it- or you from being injured. Getting UNDER a table provides you more coverage.

Much like in a tornado, you’ll want to stay away from windows- but also appliances such as your refrigerator, and bookcases for fear that they could fall on you during a quake.

If you happen to be stuck outside during a quake, keep your distance from trees, street signs, buildings (due to debris falling), and powerlines/power poles.

If you’re driving and an earthquake occurs, simply pull over on the side of the road and stop. DO NOT STOP on or under overpasses and bridges. Stay inside your car until the quake stops, and make sure to watch for damaged roadways when you have to resume driving.

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