Families Challenges Lawmakers to Remember Those Lost to Violence

Hundreds of crime survivors and families of murdered Floridians gathered at the state capitol to urge lawmakers to expand support for crime victims and make communities safer. A bus load of Jacksonville citizens carrying momento’s of their deceased loved ones were joined by elected officials at Survivors Speak Florida, an annual event organized by  Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice (CSSJ) to advocate for public safety reforms.

In an emotional press conference, CSSJ members and survivors from across Florida called for the following proposals to expand protections for crime victims and their families and pass reforms they say will help break cycles of crime.  This support included bills that provide funding for expanded trauma recovery healing services; increased access to sealing low-level misdemeanor records so people can get back to work and improving Florida’s probation system to prioritize safety

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Victims of Crime Act, the 30th anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act, and the 20th anniversary of the Crime Victims Rights Act.


Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice is a national network of crime survivors, with more than 13,600 members across Florida, joining together to create healing communities and shape public safety policy. With more than 180,000 members and growing, including chapters and leaders across the country, Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice is building a movement to promote public safety policies that help the people and communities most harmed by crime and gun violence. For more information, visit: https://cssj.org/.

The post Families Challenges Lawmakers to Remember Those Lost to Violence appeared first on Free Press of Jacksonville.

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