KiKi with Katie: 31 Lessons I’ve Learned in Life for 31 Days of December

Ok, Jacksonville is such a special place, right? I get happier to call it home every day!

I have found the most amazing things in my neighborhood, I love my church (I love love love teaching Sunday School), and I’ve made the sweetest friends here from neighbors, to work friends, to allll the new friends! Life is pretty fabulous — and I’m so thankful I’m here!

Kevin is LOVING it too — loving it so much that he just snuck out of the house the other day and walked the mail route without our festive Mailman (who we ADORE; he’s so nice). I totally had a panic attack, but hey, so glad Kevvy had a fab time! 😉

With December underway and the new year approaching, I want to share 31 Lessons I’ve Learned in Life for 31 Days of December! I do this every year and try to add new ones! I think it’s so important to reflect and remember that life is pretty fabulous. It’s all fun, so be unapologetically you, love, and live any way you want to because all we really have to do is be a good human being. No expectations, no living by a book, but being exactly who God made you to be and do whatever makes YOU happy! 🙂

1. Be unapologetically you.

2. Your parents are genuinely cool. Spend as much time with them as you can.

3. Sometimes all you need is a pint of Ben and Jerry’s Phish Food, or a glass of wine, or both.

4. Weekend trips are good for the soul. Take lots of them and take them often.

5. Sending a handwritten thank you note speaks louder than a text message.

6. Family and ‘Framily’ really are everything!

7. Sometimes all it takes is a change of perspective.

8. Not everyone has your best interest at heart. Learn that and learn to let them go.

9. Good girlfriends (or friends) are the key to a good life. You might know them for a lifetime, a decade, a year or a day. Never will you ever laugh harder or have better memories than with good, genuine girlfriends. (Adding in my best gay guy friends, too!) You’re always in each other’s corner — laughing, smiling, crying, or laughing some more. It’s fun! They are a true gift.

10. Giving to others is so much more fun than receiving anything.

11. Smiling and laughing cure more than medicine can.

12. Crying, whether in joy or sadness, is sometimes exactly what you need.

13. Friendships after high school and college require effort. Put in the effort. Make the trip. It’s so worth it. I don’t know what I would do without my friends.

14. It really is “socially acceptable” to not always wear make-up and do your hair. A messy ponytail, bare face, and Zella leggings are my best friends on most days.

15. There is always an adventure to be had and a new friend to be made. Whether it’s in line at the grocery store or on a weekend trip with girlfriends — say hello to a stranger every day! Life is awesome. There is always more to discover.

16. It’s OK to not be married, not know how to cook, and not have children at 35. Sometimes, being a fun friend/sister/aunt/daughter who orders lots of take-out on your weekly visits to see the babies is just as fulfilling! 🙂 Take pressure from no one! 😉

17. Passing judgment is the most toxic thing you can do. So, don’t. Love and embrace everyone. It’s more fun and so good for the soul.

18. Kindness counts above all else. It does not matter how good-looking, educated, passionate, or interesting someone is — It all means nothing without kindness.

19. A title should never determine your self-worth.

20. Trust your gut!

21. Sisters are a true gift. Always keep that relationship strong. She’s always in your corner and vice versa! (Brothers are great, too!)

22. Being a bridesmaid is one of the greatest titles I’ve ever held.

23. Money can buy a lot of things, but it cannot buy you class. Thanks, Countess Luann de Lesseps!

24. Bravo TV is actually good for the soul. RHONY gives me life!

25. Trying to be perfect and trying to please everyone is extremely overrated. Have F-U-N on the daily, and don’t try to be so perfect all the time. It’s freakin’ exhausting. Live in the moment and enjoy it! Not everybody is going to like you or have the same opinion of you- so YOU be your biggest fan, and TREAT YO’SELF often!

26. Life is very much unfair. It’s like a rollercoaster. Sometimes it hurts so bad you can’t breathe, but then other times it’s so good you can’t stand it. Either way- keep smiling. God’s got it!

27. Church on Sunday really does make the day better. Faith and a relationship with Christ are everything.

28. The sweetest words you will ever hear are “I love you.”

29. Whatever your heart desires is for a reason. Listen to it, and you’ll find so much happiness.

30. Love yourself. In the words of a random man, I passed at a Charity Event the other night, “Keep it classy and fantastic. Always!”

31. A good hug, like a really good hug, cures anything you’ve got! 🙂

Now, to deep dive into this past weekend…

This past weekend was fabulous! A group of us went to see The Book of Mormon! It was my third time seeing it, which was probs good because I didn’t technically “see” it… err the first half!

OOOH storytime! LOL, We all got to the Theatre after we had dinner at what is probably my favorite spot in JAX (aka it’s close to my house, the food is fab, and I love their outdoor space!) Have you been to Prospect? Y’all know I keep decorative pillows in my stove (aka I don’t use it), so catch me at any restaurant every night of the week!

Ok, ok so back to the Theatre- one of my friends and I totally got separated from the group… #oops


Well, to no surprise to anybody who knows me, I was in line for snacks and wine…#priorities #hotmess… and then the doors were about to close! 2-MINUTE WARNING!

OMG, so then my friend and I realized we totally forgot our tickets (aka we lost them, but i’ll never admit that!) It was SO MUCH FUN- LOL- we sat down twice, but the seats we took were clearly someone else’s, and then they kicked us out of overflow seating for talking- so, naturally, I was like ok, let’s just have ALLLLL the fun girl talk in the Lobby and go back in with our group at Intermission!

I died, that’s pretty typical for me. Nothing ever goes exactly to plan, but it’s always fun! I lose everything and can barely find my keys every morning… but right at intermission, we found our tickets in my friend’s clutch! #whoopsies!

The weather was SO BAD that night, but we braved it… I mean, my hair didn’t, I looked like a matted stray cat, but #itsfine.

Great weekend, and if you get a chance to go to any of the plays in town — GO!

Then, on Sunday, I had Church and am LOVING St. Johns Cathedral! It’s so traditional, which is exactly how I grew up! Such a great group of kids in my Sunday School Class, and the parents and I all have started this once-a-week Dinner Clurb where we all host at a different house every week! It’s so fabulous, and we have so much fun! I’m gonna say it totally reminds me of growing up Presbyterian! Great time with Jesus, fewer rules than some other religions, and so duh, I’m all in!

This time of year is so special for so many reasons. For me, it’s about my family’s charity!

70-ish (I can’t remember the exact number) years ago, my Grandfather started a Charity in North Carolina called Project Santa Claus! To say it has been a special part of my life would be the understatement of the year! We have grown and now have over 400 children. It’s my absolute FAVORITE thing to do every year, specifically with my dad! I’m not able to be home with my sweet family as much now, but when I am, I go check out each family individually with him, get the kids’ best Christmas wishes, and go shop for toys with the other Elves… a.k.a my cousins, siblings and mom! It’s just so much fun and I love sharing something special with my Daddy-O — we’re really close and both have tons of energy, so it’s a blast!

One year, OMG, I will NEVER forget I was an Elf carrying a TV into one of the houses on Christmas Eve, and I totally slipped in a mud puddle — long story short, the TV went flying and Santa had to go back to the North Pole for another TV! My Elf duties were totally revoked, and I just drove the sleigh after that… but then that actually went south because I totally nailed a curb during Christmas of 2006 and popped a tire. After that, they just let me ride along and control the radio… It’s safer that way. 😉

Family and traditions are such a big part of my life. I grew up very traditional, and it has always meant so much to me to be close to my parents and share these things even living 6 hours away! God is good, and Christmas is always such a reminder of that! Christmas, I know isn’t easy for everyone, and if you are one of those people who have a hard time during the Holidays, know that I will pray for you and celebrate you! 🙂

Have you made your list for Santa yet? I put a Porsche down, but tbh I don’t know which list I’m on, and I don’t think I’ve been “Porsche” good… so now I’m putting down a vacuum cleaner. Ugh, I really want a NineBot Go-Kart, but I’m not Peter Pan, and it’s time to grow up and ask for practical things.

As we get closer to 2024, I wanted to share this quote, too! I saw it yesterday, and with 2023 being such a wild, beautiful, challenge- this is how I’m going into 2024. I can’t wait to see you guys again with another post on Thursday!

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