(The Center Square) — Attorneys general from 17 states are suing to stop the federal government from implementing a program they say gives migrant agricultural workers rights that American citizens working farm jobs do not have. The coalition of states, led by South Carolina, contends that the U.S. Department ofContinue Reading

(The Center Square) – Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody is encouraging county leaders to inform residents about how to report voter registration fraud. Speaking at a Florida Tax Collectors Association Annual Conference, Moody highlighted how tax collector offices play an important role in detecting voter fraud. Tax collector offices “areContinue Reading

(The Center Square) — Florida officials predict tax revenues in the Sunshine State will continue to increase compared to last year’s numbers. The Office of Economic & Demographic Research held a revenue estimating conference on Aug. 23 and predicted general revenue will grow from August’s estimates of 7.14% to anContinue Reading

(The Center Square) —The Florida Auditor General recently released an audit report on the state-owned Citizens Property Insurance Corporation and made several recommendations to improve customer service while ensuring it remains fiscally buoyant. The insurer covers dwellings, structures, personal property, rentals and additional living expenses. Citizens have established underwriting guidelinesContinue Reading

(The Center Square) — Nearly 2 million Florida electricity customers will pay a higher base rate after Duke Energy Florida’s increase petition was approved by state regulators. The Florida Public Service Commission approved the highly contested rate hike Wednesday after negotiations between Duke Energy, groups representing residential customers — includingContinue Reading