(The Center Square) — Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Wednesday in the Florida Keys that the has made conservation efforts a top priority and will continue to do so through continued appropriations for coral reef restoration. “We have done, since I’ve been governor, historic investments and conservation efforts in making sureContinue Reading

(The Center Square) — Gov. Ron DeSantis signed several bills on Tuesday intended to bolster health care in the Sunshine State. DeSantis said between the state budget and new legislation, Floridians will be getting the help they need regarding their health care and more funding for cancer research. Senate BillContinue Reading

(The Center Square) – Texas is leading a 19-state coalition challenging a federal agency requiring states to implement a “green energy” transition. The states filed a complaint with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in response to a rule it passed to advance unprecedented federal control over the U.S. electricContinue Reading

(The Center Square) — Customers of one of Florida’s largest utilities had the opportunity to voice their opinions during a public hearing held by Florida regulators last week. The Tampa Electric Company filed a petition with the Florida Public Service Commission in April to increase base rates for 810,000 residential,Continue Reading

(The Center Square)– Several reports indicate that America has a fatherhood crisis, which has created a culture of “floundering” young men. Young men from non-intact families are more likely to end up in prison or jail, drop out of high school or not graduate from college compared to young menContinue Reading

(The Center Square) — As South Florida grapples with record-breaking rainfall that has caused widespread flooding, state officials are stepping up to mitigate as much damage as possible. Gov. Ron DeSantis said in Hollywood on Friday that the response to the flooding will be ongoing. State departments are trying toContinue Reading

(The Center Square) — Florida regulators hosted a public meeting this week about a proposed rate increase by one of the Sunshine State’s largest electricity providers. Duke Energy Florida filed a petition in April, requesting that the Florida Public Service Commission approve a rate increase for its residential and industrialContinue Reading

(The Center Square) — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the state budget during a news conference in Tampa on Wednesday. The state budget, House Bill 5001, comes with a price tag of $116.5 billion but is less than what was allocated in the fiscal 2023-2024 budget. DeSantis said the bottomContinue Reading