A Weekend in the Home Land!

Picture this: You’re home sweet home, with your family you ADORE, and you get to babysit the newest addition- an 8-month-old girl named Sutton- oh, wait, I don’t have to picture it! I totally lived it this weekend!

I am so very close to my family, they’re my best friends- and now I have a new little bestie, my niece Sutton! She is SO CUTE- and has cheeks and lips for days. Seriously, I’d pay good money to have those full lips…I’m slightly jealous! Anyways, normally I drive back to North Carolina for one reason and one reason only… Olde House Cafe in Walterboro. Every time I drive home, I stop in and get the legit BEST fried chicken I’ve EVER had!

This time I chose to fly, just because 6 hours seemed too long when it came to more time with my niece! I got home Thursday, and we went straight up to my hometown Country Club! They just added a new patio, and it was calling my name for a Lemondrop Martini with my girlfriends! We had the biggest time! The weather was gorgeous, but OMG so much chillier than Florida- I had to whip out the puffer coat and never looked back!

I drove the golf cart up for drinks, and tbh, driving back felt ARCTIC! I am officially a Florida gal, and my blood can’t take the cold!

Ok, ok, so enough about my love of lemon drop martinis on a patio (my idea of being totally outdoorsy)- On Friday I woke up, and we went to Charlotte to spend the day with my sister Sarah, my mom Carr, and Sutton Button! We shopped, shopped, and shopped- but now that there’s a baby in the family- I really only have eyes for her.

Friday came and went, and it was a PRECIOUS day in the Kween City sunshine- I love any time I get with my fam- but I think I may drive them a little crazy.

Saturday night came and went too fast! I had Sutton Button all to myself- but um, that’s when I realized babies WILL projectile vomit, they WILL have diapers to change, and you DO have to keep the rap music to a minimum…and so we blasted Christmas carols and played with her toys, and read allllll the books! It absolutely showed me I can totally keep a small child occupied and alive and HAPPY until the family gets home. She’s a trip of a kid- all she does is smile, smile, smile! I think we could all take a note from babies and see only the good and happy things! 🙂

Sunday came so fast and I found myself en route to the airport with my sister- and it was COLD! I was, as always, sad to leave, but living here in Jacksonville and having friends, family, and a job I absolutely LOVE with all my heart makes coming back to my new home so easy! With Thanksgiving on the Horizon, I hope you all know just how thankful I am for YOU! You make life so fun, and make the weather more fun!

What did you do this past weekend? How was YOUR weather?



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